Ulrike Uhlig - 23.03.22, 17:02:14 CET:
> On a sidenote, I would like to urge the people who did so in this
> thread to stop using the word "toxic" to describe that someone is
> being called out for bullying, abusive behavior, discriminatory, or
> (passive-)agressive remarks. This is victim reversal.

This is disagreement.

You state, as a matter of fact, who is the offender and who is victim 

Yet, beyond doubt, from what I see here, there is unresolved 
disagreement whether what you state as fact is actually factually true.

So what you share is a point of view. *One* side of the story.

Not a fact.

Calling a fact, what is not a fact, may in itself be abusive and may in 
itself make someone else a victim.

I more and more get the impression that all of this is much more about 
power, not about truth.


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