>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Dowland <j...@debian.org> writes:

    Jonathan> Anyone who has a problem with what I did and believes I
    Jonathan> should be censured or subject to some other form of
    Jonathan> disciplinary process, please just go ahead and do it,
    Jonathan> don't beat about the bush.

I want to explicitly support your action.  You took a situation where
you thought there was a problem and fixed it.
I think that's great; as I mentioned elsewhere I think these sorts of
issues should generally be left up to the maintainer.

I would also support someone who as you said wanted to "put their name
to it," and maintain the package.
Even if someone does do that, I still support your action.  "Hey I think
this is junk and I don't see anyone maintaining it, so I'm removing it,"
is something we should encourage, not discourage.
As you pointed out, and I agree, if someone does want to put in the
effort, that's easy to solve.

Thanks for making Debian better,


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