On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Gregor Hoffleit wrote:

> First of all the good news: You have managed to talk me into making the
> big step, and going right to the 2.1.1 CVS branch. Thomas Wouters
> (release czar for Python 2.1.1) assured me that 2.1.1 will be released
> before the freeze, and Guido heavily supported that.


> - If we want to support concurrent Python versions and still don't want
>   to have multiple packages for each Python extension, a setup like the
>   Debian Emacsen system might be a solution:
>   Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   > None are compatible. This might change, but I don't think so -- I
>   > think the CVS tree already has a different bytecode magic than 2.1,
>   > though I haven't checked. Perhaps what Gregor wants is a set of
>   > symlinks in each python version's site-packages directory, to a
>   > system-wide one, and a 'register-python-version' script like the
>   > emacs/xemacs stuff has that adds those symlinks. That way, the
>   > .pyc/.pyo versions would remain in the version-specific directory.


> Conclusions
> -----------
> I have no final conclusion what that means for our Debian Python policy.
> For one, I've changed my mind and accepted that there's a need to
> support multiple concurrent Python versions in Debian.
> The way we're doing this currently for python-* and python2-* is
> certainly no good--it means duplication of work, and it's a mess when it
> comes to installing a new version.
> If it's possible to do this before woody, by any means I would go that
> way. Everything else will be a mess later on.
> We should look at the perl packages (they support concurrent versions)

I don't think I've noticed any more than one perl in the archive at a
time, whatever they are doing may not be as well tested as...

> and a Emacsen (they have a system for registration of .el files that can
> be byte-compiled at installation time, and they support this for
> concurent and different Emacsen flavors).

...what the emacsen do.  No need to "reinvent the wheel" if it is not
necessary, and it will look'n'feel good from a consistency point of
view to Debian users.

- Bruce

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