On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 12:38:42PM -0700, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
| Bruce Sass wrote:
| > On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
| > > Again the package is python-base, not python2.2-base.  pydoc depends on
| > > python-base_2.1.1 and uses #!/usr/bin/python.  I don't see a problem
| > > with that.
| > 
| > Except you don't know which Python /usr/bin/python is.
| Please think a little.  pydoc is in the same package as python-base.

I think the admin should be able to choose which python implementation
is referred to by /usr/bin/python independent of which python (or
python-base if you prefer) packages are installed (the alternatives
mechanism may be a good idea for this).  There can be any number of
reasons why an admin would want a certain implementation to be the
default.  These reasons could include 
    o   understanding a certain version & knowing it works (before
        upgrading and finding unexpected breakage)

    o   Jython or Stackless


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