> On 6 Sep 2001, Mikael Hedin wrote:
> > What about doing as gcc?  Produce python-1.5, python-2.1 and so on
> > forever.  And then have a package python that just drags in the
> > official version, and links /usr/bin/python.  If we nuke python-base,
> > all old modules get upgradrd I think.  (Similar for python-foo etc.)
> Sure ( ;-) ), and anything depending on "python" is expected to work
> with any version of Python... that leads to the problem of how to
> install something that depends on any Python, to every Python on the
> system without duplicating all the .py-s.
> It would be easy if python had two paths to deal with; one for version
> independent .py-s only (in a read-only directory), another for .py|c|o
> (read-write).  Code that didn't care which Python executes it would be
> installed in the r-o dir, the .pyc|o-s resulting from a compile would
> automatically get stored in the r-w dir.
> Is this kind of enhancement suitable as a Debian-only tweak,
> or would it need to be part of Python itself?
> How long would it take to implement... for Python?, for Debian?

I think it's unrealistic to assume that any sizeable package will be
completely independent from the Python version, unless the author has
this as one of the explicit project goals.

But if you want this, I would certainly be willing to take a patch.
It would be a relatively small amount of code, but it would have to be
repeated in a few places (import.c, py_compile.py, a few more places).

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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