On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 03:26:25PM +0100, Matthias Klose wrote:
> While preparing some example packages to experiment with
> python-central and python-support, I did see some issues with both
> proposals, in that the dependencies are not fulfilled for every python
> version that both packaging systems claim to support. Feedback is
> welcome.

> For an example see python-pmw (only one binary-all package with the
> same name is built by the source package):

>   Package: python-pmw
>   Depends: python-tk, python (>= 2.3), python (<< 2.4)

> which, when packaged with one of the packaging systems, becomes:

>   Package: python-pmw
>   Depends: python-tk, python (>= 2.3)

> Trying to use python-pmw with a python version, which is not the
> default, will fail, if the pythonX.Y-tk package is not installed for
> that version. To generalize, every binary-all python library package
> depending on a binary-arch package (containing an extension module)
> does have this problem.

> Looking at an application using python-pmw (i.e. pymol):

>   Package: pymol
>   Depends: python (>= 2.3), python-pmw

> The package will still work after an upgrade of the default python
> version. Assuming that an application package uses a specific python
> version, i.e.:

>   Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-pmw
>    -->
>   Depends: python2.3, python-pmw

I think this is going to invariably be the wrong thing to do, just as it is
today.  If a package Depends: python2.3, it should also Depend:
python2.3-pmw, not python-pmw.  I really don't see any other way to ensure
consistent dependencies except not *providing* a python2.3 package, which
would seem to be even less satisfactory a solution in the general case.

So if python-pmw is intended to contain the bits that make pmw available to
python2.3, it must Provide: python2.3-pmw.  When the python-pmw package
ceases to support python2.3, it should drop the Provides; then dpkg will
refuse to upgrade python-pmw without removing the application, which is the
situation we want.

> the package dependencies may not be fulfilled anymore. That could be
> solved by adding to python:Depends python2.3-tk. Either the package
> maintainer has to do that explicitely, or dh_python has to find these.

Is dh_python going to find these goodies for us in other cases?  Sorry, I've
never used dh_python.

> The issues (and questions) are:

>  - The packaging infrastructure forces the installation of the default
>    python version, it's not possible to install a non-default version on
>    it's own (if at least one package using the infrastructure is
>    installed).
>    At least thats one thing I can live with; others as well?

Yep, I think that's a reasonable requirement.

>  - As outlined above, we cannot enforce correct dependencies with the
>    proposed packaging infrastructure (both variants). That is only the
>    case when using a non-default python version. AFAICS this would
>    violate the Debian policy. Should there be an exception?

No; see above comments.

>  - A packaging infrastructure not supporting binary-arch modules
>    covers about 50 out of 200 source packages providing python modules
>    and extensions (that number may not be accurate, just counting
>    packages using the python- and pythonX.Y- prefixes).

>    That number can be raised, if extension modules for all supported
>    python versions are made available in one package (at least for the
>    version we transition from and for the version we transition to).
>    This approach has it's limitations, i.e. python2.3-tk and
>    python2.4-tk are built from separate sources and cannot be put in
>    one binary package. It does help for packages like zopeinterface
>    and twisted, where only very small extension modules are put in
>    one package supporting more than one python version. Even larger
>    extension modules could be packages this way for at least the
>    time of a python transition to support both old and new version (a
>    package like pygtk2 comes to mind, having many rdepends).

>    We still do have the limitation, that every python module depending
>    on a pythonX.Y-foo binary-arch package cannot use the packaging
>    infrastructure.

Two comments here.  First, I don't think all python extensions *should* be
packaged in a single binary package for all versions; I seem to recall the
Ubuntu wiki page on the topic conceded this point.  Second, I don't think
that there's any a priori reason why the python packaging infrastructure
cannot or should not cope with splitting binaries up into python2.x-foo
packages, in an automated fashion.

Given that this is something we're likely to want to support for a while,
then, I think it would be better if efforts were focused first on making
this happen, and later sorting out the merging of binary extensions into a
single package.

>  - AFAICS the proposed packaging infrastructure doesn't help the
>    migration of a new python default version to testing much. It does
>    help maintainers of these 50 source packages, but still requires
>    uploads of the other 150 packages (potentially introducing
>    dependencies on newly uploaded libs). Supporting more than one
>    python version for binary-arch packages does raise that number.

Yes, that's a fair point.  But by now, I think more time has been spent
talking about how to improve things, and/or waiting for an implementation to
happen, than the entire python2.4 transition should have taken. :)  Even
having 1/4 fewer packages that need to be managed in the transition will
surely be of help.  Having binNMUable, all-in-one binary packages for python
extensions would be icing on the cake -- it's certainly far more ambitious
than anything I initially had in mind when starting to poke at python

So at this point, I would be inclined to suggest that the byte-compiling
stuff be implemented as a first pass, then we can start the python2.4
transition with what we have, and the Magic Dancing Python Extensions<tm>
can be figured out in parallel to this.

>  - Just another proposal could be to keep the package structure
>    python-foo, python2.3-foo, python2.4-foo, put all arch independent
>    files into python-foo, using the proposed python infratstructure
>    to promote the packages to each python version and putting
>    extension modules into the pythonX.Y packages. In case of
>    binary-all modules, the pythonX.Y packages are just dependency
>    packages.
>    That proposal does address the concern of putting the source in
>    only one package, avoiding code dubplication in binary packages,
>    but still requires new upload of the package for a python
>    transition, not supporting a migration to testing very well.
>    There are some packages using such kind of setup.

I don't think we need to avoid *all* reuploads of packages during a
transition.  Anyway, I guess this is largely equivalent to what I suggested
above (allowing both the existing approach to binary extensions, and your
enhanced automation).

> Can we neglect the dependency issues for modules available for
> non-default python versions, seeing these just as an aid for doing a
> transition and require packages explicitely using a non-default
> version to add these dependencies themself?

If you mean, not provide automation for such packages, that seems like a
reasonable approach until someone demands support for it and/or provides a
patch. :)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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