Kumar Appaiah ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Dear Debian developers,

I'm not a DD, but maybe my comments will be useful

> In case there are problems, please let me know, so that I can correct
> them as necessary.

* Standards-Version is outdated (check upgrading-checklist.txt file)
* debian/pycompat file is missing (`echo "2" > debian/pycompat`)
* debhelper should be moved to Build-Depends
* You've missed binary-arch rule in debian/rules (see lintian info)
* "current, >=2.4" will not work with current dh_python so putting
  "2.4" in XS-Python-Version header is correct but why do you have
  hardcoded python2.4 in debian/rules? Please use something like
   PYTHON=$(shell pyversions -r)
  and compile with $(PYTHON) instead of python2.4
* remove "Replaces: harvestman (<= 1.4.6-2)" line in control file,
  it's the same package, right?
* why are you using `find -name file | chmod 755` (and similar)? 
  Isn't `chmod 755 file` not good enough?
* no need to use sed in order to change hashbang, pycentral will take
  care of it
* IMHO putting docs list in debian/docs file instead of calling
  dh_installdocs 4x is better idea (BTW: you can do it in one line)

-=[     Piotr Ozarowski     ]=-
-=[ http://www.ozarowski.pl ]=-

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