
I updated package,, but before upload it , I would like to solve this
file permissions problem.

Well, DSFG says that we cannot put a chmod 77 in a /var/games/* file then
to solve I setted suid to group games and put /var/games/..file.conf
in games group.

With binary packages I havent problems,, but as pyRacerz is
interpreted using python,  set suid to pyracerz script do not work :(

I couldnt this in just 2 solutions.
1 - chmod 777 /var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf
2 - set suid to python executable.

I dont need to say that second option is out of question :)

This file must be in /var/games, because all users in same pc can see
history and etc.    And if I put this file in home user,  just this
user will read this file.

Jose Carlos

2006/8/28, Piotr Ozarowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> tags 380914 + patch
> thanks
> Attached patch will only make necessary changes for the new python
> policy, some other issues still has not been resolved, i.e.
> * old Standards-Version
> * missed space before Homepage pseudo header (dev ref 6.2.4)
> * file permission problems, after saving scores I'm getting:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/pyracerz", line 276, in ?
>     if __name__ == '__main__': main()
>   File "/usr/bin/pyracerz", line 179, in main
>     race.play()
>   File "/usr/share/games/pyracerz/modules/game.py", line 546, in play
>     self.computeScores(currentTrack)
>   File "/usr/share/games/pyracerz/modules/game.py", line 609, in computeScores
>     if misc.addHiScore(track, play) == 1:
>   File "/usr/share/games/pyracerz/modules/misc.py", line 183, in addHiScore
>     fwrite = file("/var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf", "w+")
> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf'
> --
> -=[     Piotr Ozarowski     ]=-
> -=[ http://www.ozarowski.pl ]=-

José Carlos

José Carlos

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