Le dimanche 06 mai 2007 à 10:25 +0200, Pierre Habouzit a écrit :
> > also trac wants *.egg files in /usr/share/trac/plugins,
> > that seems to be very far off the debian python policy.
>   Well, hell no ! I don't think it's against the policy at all:
> /usr/share/trac/plugins is a private module path, hence it's OK to put
> .egg, .py or whatever. Though, when you'll use e.g. dh_pysupport, you'll
> have to pass it the path where you put your installed files as it won't
> be able to guess it, that's all.

Maybe we should make explicit in the policy that eggs must not be
shipped. They will happily ignored by python-{support,central} anyway.

You have to ship eggs in an unpacked format, with the .egg-info
directory. This way, they will be correctly handled.

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