Le lundi 10 septembre 2007 à 20:40 -0700, Toshio Kuratomi a écrit :
> Also, eggs (as in the egg metadata that comes with the packages; not the
> optional pseudo-jar copying zip format) may be duplication but it is not
> needless duplication.  Elf shared libraries and packages contain
> duplicate information but we don't call for removal of versioning
> information from either of those because it's provided by the other.
> Package versioning is useful at install time.  Shared library versioning
> and egg versioning are useful at runtime.  

This would be true, if dependencies in setuptools had been designed
correctly. And they could have been if the authors had discussed with
people familiar with dependency issues right from the start.

An ELF binary depends on a list of sonames, and requires a list of
symbols. What a distributor needs is to list the packages providing the
files and to ensure that they provide the required symbols. This is
entirely independent from the implementation he chooses.

With setuptools, a python module requires a list of modules with certain
*versions*. And there is no way to reliably convert this information
into valuable one for the distributor.

 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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