On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 11:23:54AM -0800, Tom Kuiper wrote:
> >  For now, I suggest a workaround. Add this to the top of the code, you
> >  can add the following to force TeX use:
> > 
> >  rc('text', usetex=True)
>    That works!  Thanks you.

Thanks for the quick response, Tom. I always use TeX fonts for the
math stuff, so you might get away this time with using that. But
there's some font conversion issue which I am really unable to figure
out which caused the original problem. Since it works in the sid
matplotlib, due to some change, I guess we have to hunt it. But I've
drawn a blank, since I can't really spot the change which could have
caused this.  I can have a closer look later, unless someone else
comes in before me.


Kumar Appaiah

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