Sandro Tosi <> writes:

> On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 23:00, Ben Finney <> wrote:
> > his opinion surely counts less than the opinion of those who
> > intend to use these repositories. I don't see why you bring that
> > up.
> You too are not using our repository (because we are so bad that
> won't adopt bzr and svn is an ugly ugly VCS), so GvR opinion counts
> as anyone else.

This doesn't seem to be a rational conversation any more. Is it some
kind of personal attack? I can't actually make much sense out of it.

> > Can you explain the relevance? How does it address the points I've
> > made?
> Because you only see bzr, while there's much more DVCSes around.

Perhaps you've been reading someone else's messages? I was addressing
points specific to a comparison between Git, Bazaar, and Subversion,
so I don't understand what you're referring to.

> For me, the discussion (being this particular new "branch" or the
> original one, since no advances are made) is closed.

Thanks for that.

I welcome further discussion on the substance of what's actually been
raised, if anyone's interested.

 \      “Progress might have been all right once, but it's gone on too |
  `\                                                long.” —Ogden Nash |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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