On Wed, 14 Jul 2010, Matteo Vescovi wrote:
> Could you please point me to an existing python package that uses dh 
> that I can use as an example starting point?

> An example package that handles a pure python modules and an extension 
> module would be great.
For properly bundled pure Python one you merely need 
as your debian/rules ;)
cdbs would work as fine for you there too (it used to be my favorite ;))

But if you want a good example for a Python module primarily based
on an extension (i.e. there is not much of Python arch-indep code),
Christian Kastner pointed me today to Jakub's good work on python-djvu
-- there you get an example which provides proper python-*-dbg package,
does unittesting for all versions (including -dbg) during build and
builds the documentation, with not too much of debian/rules since it
relies on dh's builtin functionality primarily.

If you do have a mix of relatively large amount of Python code and
arch extensions, you might like to look into packages which provide
arch-indep python-bla, and then python-bla-lib{,-dbg} for extensions.
E.g. you could look into mine python-nipy although it isn't using the
latest -dbg logic of dh (TODO for me ;)), so not yet the nicest example.

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