you might also like to look into a recently cooked

$> apt-cache show packaging-tutorial
Package: packaging-tutorial
Version: 0.1
Installed-Size: 880
Maintainer: Lucas Nussbaum <>
Architecture: all
Description: introduction to Debian packaging
 This tutorial is an introduction to Debian packaging. It teaches prospective
 developers how to modify existing packages, how to create their own packages,
 and how to interact with the Debian community. In addition to the main
 tutorial, it includes three practical sessions on modifying the 'grep'
 package, and packaging the 'gnujump' game and a Java library.

On Thu, 30 Jun 2011, Mitar wrote:
> > Have a look into rules files that are using dh and override_dh_*.  You
> > might also like to use the debian/install file (see man dh_install).

> I have been reading all this but I must say it does not help a
> beginner in any way. I think some best-practices examples would be
> most useful. To just copy/paste and adapt. Saying "look into rules
> files" also does not help me much, which one? Which one is similar to
> my package? I do not know that. Probably maintainers of many packages
> know which one from the past is similar to the new one and can reuse
> that, but for me this is hard to know.

> So some more direct instructions would be better. I do not mind
> reading, but I do not have any feeling what all those magical dh_*
> commands do. ;-)
Keep in touch                           
Yaroslav Halchenko       

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