On 7 May 2013 18:46, Sandro Tosi <sandro.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> debian-python doesn't deserve a similar communication (don't you dare
> thinking about coordination, it's out of question) because we're just
> a bunch of puppets waiting for orders by the ultimate master - well
> done.

Selectively quoting the tech committee resolution:

"These breakdowns appear to be rooted in an unfortunate feedback loop, of
which all parties involved share some blame.

On multiple occasions, inflammatory comments regarding the employment
and/or motives of individuals involved in python have been made.


The committee expresses its disappointment in the communication problems
which have lead to this issue, and strongly suggests that all involved
parties be as awesome to each other as possible."

Please everyone, make an effort to be polite. I don't know the origin of
all the problems in debian-python (and frankly I don't want to), but it's
pretty clear that writing snarky messages isn't going to resolve them. If
you want to make a point, do so politely and people will be more inclined
to listen.


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