Lachlan <> writes:

> i'm not an expert by any means but i fail to see how this is an issue?

In short: Debian is not the only Unix-like system where Python is
installed, and consistency across operating systems is valuable.

> -Everyone wrote scripts for python 2.x using /usr/bin/python

And eventually Python 2 will be long obsolete.

> -With python3, scripts were written specifically for python3 using
> /usr/bin/python3

Not all of them, and the expectation is that more and more systems will
assume “/usr/bin/python” is the current version of Python.

See PEP 394 <URL:>.

 \         “Religious faith is the one species of human ignorance that |
  `\    will not admit of even the *possibility* of correction.”  —Sam |
_o__)                                 Harris, _The End of Faith_, 2004 |
Ben Finney

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