On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 04:36:23PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> > I keep forgetting filling an ITP.  It is usually caught on final review
> > because for some reason lintian is not being run by default by my
> > packaging chain :-(
> For ‘pbuilder’, you can add a hook that automatically runs Lintian on
> every package it builds. Other packaging tools will surely have a
> similar feature.
debuild (and so tools that call it) even have this by default.

> > I find the ITP/wnpp annoying as well. I usually end up browsing
> > http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ , opening all links then searching for
> > my package :-]
> Instead, when you first create the package, edit ‘debian/changelog’ and
> make “Initial Debian package of ‘foo’ (Closes: bug#NNNNNN)” the very
> first bullet point in your first changelog entry. Then you won't need to
> keep looking it up.
dch --create and dh_make even make this entry by default.


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