
Just wondering if anyone here has given any thought into how to create
Debian packages that automatically configure with apache2.2 packages in
wheezy *and* apache2.4 packages in jessie?

There seem to be two stumbling points:

On apache2.2, configuration goes into /etc/apache2/conf.d/, on apache2.4
configuration goes into /etc/apache2/conf-available/ and must be enabled.

On apache2.4, "Allow from all" should be replaced by "Require all granted",
as per https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19319

The latest idea I have had is to package two packages, e.g.


And expect the sysadmin to install the appropriate one. However, it seems
kind of messy, especially considering upgrades from wheezy to jessie.

(I have already ruled out the idea of one package providing configuration
in both directories, as a sysadmin it would be only a matter of time before
I get totally confused and edit the wrong one)

Anyone got any better ideas?

Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au>

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