Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 10/12/2014 05:15 PM, Tristan Seligmann wrote:
>> I wasn't at Debconf, maybe this is why I'm a bit confused by what you
>> wrote here. pristine-tar and upstream VCS merge are in no way mutually
>> exclusive, but you seem to be implying that they are
> Using pristine-tar and pulling from upstream VCS is silly. If you do
> like this, then why not just doing tag-based packaging? That's a lot
> safer than just re-tagging on top of what upstream does (ie: no risk to
> introduce any difference).
>> Using upstream tags
>> *without* using pristine-tar would seem to be inadvisable
> For what reason exactly? In what way pristine-tar helps when basing your
> packaging on upstream Git tags?

I think its quite useful since it will show you differences between the
upstream git repo, and the upstream orig tarballs.  From my experience, they
are different most of the time, and I have caught bugs in upstream's tarballs
by doing this.


>> I haven't seen anyone write "importing upstream VCS into the Alioth
>> repo is forbidden" anywhere; if this is the intent, then perhaps it
>> should be clearly spelled out somewhere. (Or perhaps it already is,
>> and I just missed it? In which case, whoops)
> Hum... Then maybe we should talk again.
> On 10/13/2014 06:19 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> Does upstream vcs add value?
> Of course! Lots of value. One of them is that you'd be downloading tiny
> deltas, instead of constantly downloading a tarball, doing
> git-import-orig, etc. Another one is doing cherry-picking of changes.
> Another one is being able to do a Debian package based on any commit
> from upstream, if you do need that. Finally, it makes it easier for you
> to send a patch upstream based on your debian-specific patch (just grab
> it from your debian/patches folder, apply to the master branch, then
> "git review" or git push to github/bitbucket/git-cafe/you-name-it...).
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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