On Oct 04, 2015, at 08:03 PM, Sandro Tosi wrote:

>am I the only one thinking it's quite a huge number to be handled by
>hand? and whose hands will be the ones converting these packages?
>yours or Barry's dont seem enough and others will need training/time.

I'm happy to pitch in if a maintainer needs help doing so.  I'd like to at
least capture the manual steps needed on the GitPackaging page.  I'm not sure
if there is enough commonality to make that worthwhile, but there might be.

>Additionally, now we are in the middle of the 3.5 transition, and so
>packages will need updating rather quickly: are we sure this is the
>best time to push full throttle with the migration? I'd rather wait a
>little bit longer and have a more automatic migration at a calmer
>moment for python modules.

Waiting longer isn't an option IMHO.  It's helping to add to the dysfunction
of the team.  I will also offer to help if the 3.5 transition gets stuck
because of the git conversion.


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