On 03/06/16 17:59, Wookey wrote:
On 2016-06-03 18:30 +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:
On 06/03/2016 06:25 PM, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:

And I don't mind for a handful of scripts. But what if you have 20 or

Well, you could add a custom target to debian/rules that calls
help2man for all these scripts - so that you as a maintainer
can refresh the manpages every now and then. (And store them
in debian/ in the packaging.)  That way, you don't break cross
builds (manpages are pre-generated), but still automate it to
a large extent.

Yep, that's a reasonable plan.


Missing man pages is better than things that gratuitously won't

So it is clearly a no-no. I guess the wiki page is here to give a
starting point to write manpages, not automate the process of generating

Just copying the help into a man page is mostly makework
to shut lintian up. They are often very poor manpages. If the help is
there already or upstream documentation is some other format
(e.g. html), then if you _really_ can't be bothered making man pages,
just leave it as upstream supplied. Using help2man is a worse
'solution' than doing nothing.

In this case, should I leave the lintian warning on, or override it
with a comment explaining why?


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