On Aug 15, 2016, at 11:44 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:

>If we decide to use gbp-pq, in fact, we're deciding to not decide, and anyone
>can use PoQ (my choice, for example). Indeed, the way to store the patches is
>PoQ, and you then "gbp-pq import", modify, then "gbp-pq export" and store the
>packaging branch like this (ie: like a PoQ branch). So, basically, we'll be
>back to what everyone else is doing (ie: 99% of git maintained packages in
>Debian as much as I saw).

That sounds perfect then!

>IMO, that's required if we decide to continue using pristine-tar (which
>I don't think is a good idea, but let's not discuss that, as there seem
>to be a consensus for it).

So at a minimum:

pristine-tar = True

Looking at my ~/.gbp.conf file, I have a bunch of other entries, some of which
are probably not appropriate for team settings.  I'd suggest `sign-tags=True`

*Maybe* also these as conveniences:

postimport = gbp dch -N%(version)s
import-msg = New upstream release.

What else?


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