On Thu, 2017-03-09 at 09:58 +0200, Aivar Annamaa wrote:
> Hi!
> I've developed a Python IDE for beginners, Thonny (http://thonny.org) 
> and I intend to package it for Debian 
> (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=857042).


> The application would consist of a Python 3 package named "thonny" 
> (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/thonny), a simple launch script (python3 
> -m thonny), desktop file and icon. It depends only on Python 3.4 or 
> later with Tkinter.

You've got the dependency chain covered.

> For the needs of the main application, the Python package could be 
> private for the application, but as 3rd party Thonny plugins may need to 
> import something from there, it makes sense to treat it as a shared 
> Python package.


> By the example of similar app Spyder 
> (https://packages.debian.org/sid/spyder3), I thought that it makes sense 
> to create two binary packages: "python3-thonny" for the Python package 
> and "thonny" for providing end user facilities. Would you agree with 
> this plan?

Sounds ok.

> If I want to publish Thonny under one of the Python teams, which one 
> should I choose? (My own preference would be Python Modules, because I'm 
> more comfortable with git than with svn).

You can use git with PAPT too.

> If it's good idea to publish it under Python Modules Team, can you 
> please add me to the team (my Alioth user is aivarannamaa-guest)? I've 
> read the policy document and agree with it.
> Is anyone willing to sponsor the package?

You can start working on the packaging on a private repository whilst
waiting for being accepted to a team (PAPT, DPMT or others). You will
need a functional package before seeking sponsorship.


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