Andreas Tille <> writes:

> In your last mail you agreed that team maintenance would acceptable

To clarify: I've not agreed with that.

Rather, I've agreed with your position that the practice of a team as
maintainer is sensible, and I've said the practice of an individual as
maintainer is sensible.

A particular package can't be both of those at once, of course. But both
are common practice in Debian, and both are sensible.

So, a decision of which to choose can't be based only on “option X is
sensible”, because that doesn't argue *against* other options.

What I've been confused by is the conflation of “team as maintainer is
sensible”, which I agree with, and some implicit assumption of
“individual as maintainer is *not* sensible”, which I don't agree with.

I haven't got an answer from you on whether that's your position, so I
don't even know what argument you're presenting.

> Thanks for considering

I've tried :-) but haven't even seen any reason presented to change the
package maintenance from what it is now. I'd consider it if that were

As for the Git commits you've made for backports: I remain open to
considering a pull request from any published Git repo at your choice of

 \       “The great thing about science is we can test our ideas.… But |
  `\   until we do, until we have data, it is just one more proposal.” |
_o__)                                     —Darren Saunders, 2015-12-02 |
Ben Finney

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