It's been a while, but I found some time and energy at PyCon, to work
our SVN->Git migration.

I started with our DPMT migration script, pulled out the git-dpm bits,
and fixed the obvious issues I saw.

Here's what the migration currently looks like [0].


This is after several rounds of migration, and fixes to both the SVN
repo, and the migration script. Below are the notes I made during the
rounds of migration. I haven't re-reviewed every package, after fixing
it, only a couple of spot checks. The first round was ta revision 13997,
and the final one (published at [0]) was at revision 14089.

And this is the migration script:

Does that look reasonable? Should we do this?


== Package notes ==

* alienfeed: SVN-only
* alot: needs a tag [DONE]
* andvare: Never uploaded. [DELETED FROM SVN]
* apachedex: LGTM
* archivemail: LGTM (missing a recent NMU)
* archmage: needs a tag [DONE]
* atheist: LGTM (missing a recent NMU)
* autokey: LGTM
* awscli: OK
* babiloo: OK
* backupchecker: needs a tag [DONE]
* beets: OK
* belier: needs a tag [DONE]
* bjsonrpc: OK
* bleachbit: OK
* bluewho: OK
* brebis: most recent upload isn't is SVN, but who cares
* bundlewrap: debian tags are missing debian revision [DONE]
* canto: OK
* catfish: OK
* cherrytree: pristine-tar failed to import an orig-tarball [FIXED]
* cloud-init: moved to cloud team [DELETED FROM SVN]
* clustershell: needs a tag [DONE]
* clvault: Never uploaded. [DELETED FROM SVN]
* convertall: OK
* crudini: OK
* cycle: tag names are incorrect [DONE]
* cython: needs a tag [DONE]
* db2twitter: OK
* debomatic: OK
* decibel-audio-player: orphaned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* diamond: OK
* didjvu: OK
* discus: orphaned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* disper: OK
* djvusmooth: OK 
* doconce: OK
* dodgy: OK
* dot2tex: OK
* dreampie: OK
* driconf: OK (but no history)
* drobo-utils: OK
* drpython: new maintainer [DELETED FROM SVN]
* emesene: OK
* emma: OK
* episoder: OK
* eric: OK
* etm: OK
* etm-qt: OK 
* fookebox: OK
* freealchemist: OK
* freevial: needs a tag [DONE]
* frescobaldi: OK
* fusion-icon: OK
* gaupol: OK
* gedit-classbrowser3g: never uploaded [DELETED FROM SVN]
* gedit-projects: never uploaded [DELETED FROM SVN]
* gespeaker: OK
* gextractwinicons: OK
* ghp-import: OK
* git-bzr-ng: RMed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* gitinspector: OK
* glipper: OK
* gmail-notify: OK
* gmobilemedia: OK
* go2: OK
* google-sitemapgen: OK
* gpxviewer: OK
* gtg: OK
* gtimelog: left PAPT [DELETED FROM SVN]
* gui-ufw: OK
* gwakeonlan: OK
* harvestman: OK
* hellanzb: RMed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* hg-git: OK (although no human maintainers)
* hotssh: OK
* hovercraft: OK
* httpbin: OK
* ibid: OK
* indywiki: OK
* irker: OK
* isort: OK
* itstool: needs a tag [DONE]
* kabikaboo: OK
* kapidox: Left PAPT [DELETED FROM SVN]
* khal: recent uploads weren't committed to svn
* kupfer: needs a tag [DONE]
* kyklop: never uploaded
* lazygal: OK
* legit: OK
* lightyears: most recent upload wasn't committed to SVN
* lottanzb: OK
* lunch: OK
* marave: never uploaded [DELETED FROM SVN]
* mayavi2: OK
* menulibre: OK
* mercurial: OK
* mimms: OK (recent NMU hasn't been committed yet)
* mitter: never uploaded [DELETED FROM SVN]
* moap: OK (recent NMU hasn't been committed yet)
* mpdris: OK
* mugshot: OK
* mypaint: OK
* nagstamon: OK
* nfoview: OK
* ocrfeeder: missing tags [DONE]
* ocrodjvu: OK
* oggconvert: OK
* openerp6: SVN-only (never been uploaded)
* openstv: OK
* openteacher: OK
* osc: Moved to RPM team [DELETED FROM SVN]
* osc-source_validator: RMed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* pdfposter: missing tag [DONE]
* pdfshuffler: OK
* pelican: OK
* pep257: RMed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* petit: OK
* phantom: never uploaded [DELETED FROM SVN]
* phatch: recent svn history is a bit detached, but otherwise OK
* phenny: OK
* photo-uploader: orphaned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* picard: OK
* pkpgcounter: OK
* plainbox-provider-checkbox: OK
* plainbox-provider-piglit: never uploaded
* plainbox-provider-resource-generic: OK
* planet-venus: OK
* policyd-rate-limit: backports got sorta mangled, but OK
* pondus: OK
* preprocess: OK
* prospector: OK
* ptex2tex: OK
* puddletag: OK
* pyaimt: OK
* pybackpack: OK
* pybik: OK
* pyblosxom: left PAPT [DELETED FROM SVN]
* pybtex: OK
* pycarddav: OK
* pychecker: OK
* pydocstyle: OK
* pyflakes: OK
* pygccxml: left PAPT [DELETED FROM SVN]
* py++: Never uploaded [DELETED FROM SVN]
* pyicqt: OK
* pyinfra: OK
* pykaraoke: OK
* pyksoko: Never uploaded [DELETED FROM SVN]
* pylint: OK
* pymilter-milters: OK
* pynagram: OK
* pyneighborhood: Orphaned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* pyomo: most recent upload wasn't in SVN, but otherwise, OK
* pypar2: OK
* pype: missing tag [DONE]
* pypolicyd-spf: OK
* pyrit: OK
* pyspread: missing tag [DONE] most recent release wasn't committed to SVN
* pytagsfs: missing tag [DONE]
* python-afl: OK
* pythoncad: OK
* python-clamav: in DPMT, not PAPT
* python-setproctitle: in DPMT, not PAPT
* pythontracer: recent history is NMUs, so it vaguely makes sense
* python-xdgapp: ITP rejected [DELETED FROM SVN]
* pytimechart: recent history is NMUs, so it vaguely makes sense
* pyzor: OK
* rabbitvcs: OK
* raddisplay: never uploaded, abandoned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* rdiff-backup: OK
* remote-hellanzb-gui: never uploaded, ITP closed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* retext: OK
* retweet: missing some intermediate tags, but OK
* roundup: RMed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* rubber: OK
* s3cmd: Moved to DMPT [DELETED FROM SVN]
* s3ql: Moved to collab-maint [DELETED FROM SVN]
* sabnzbdplus: OK
* screenlets: recent uploads didn't get to SVN, but OK
* scribes: RMed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* sec-wall: never uploaded, abandoned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* series60-remote: OK
* simple-image-reducer: OK
* sinntp: recent NMUs, but OK
* sk1: never uploaded, ITP closed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* slapos.core: OK
* slimit: moved to DPMT [DELETED FROM SVN]
* slingshot: missing tag [DONE]
* smem: OK
* snakefood: OK
* sonata: OK (maintainerless)
* spambayes: OK
* speedtest-cli: debian revision missing in tags [DONE]
* spe: OK (recent uploads are NMUs)
* startupmanager: Orphaned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* subdownloader: missing a tag [DONE]
* svnmailer: Orphaned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* synopsis: OK
* terminator: OK
* termsaver: OK
* testrepository: OK
* tictactoe-ng: OK
* topshelf: OK
* tox: moved to DPMT [DELETED FROM SVN]
* trac-batchmodify: OK
* trac-bitten: missing some tags [DONE]
* trac-codecomments: missing a tag [DONE]
* trac-git: missing a tag [DONE]
* trac-mastertickets: missing some tags [DONE]
* trac-privateticketsplugin: missing some tags [DONE]
* trac-roadmap: missing a tag [DONE]
* ttb: OK
* turnin-ng: OK
* turses: missing a tag [DONE]
* tvnamer: OK
* twine: OK
* twitterwatch: missing a tag [DONE]
* txt2tags: OK (most recent upload is an NMU)
* upnp-inspector: OK
* vdirsyncer: never tagged [DONE] there's an experimental upload in there that 
probably messes with the history
* veusz: OK
* viridian: OK
* vitables: moved to debian-science [DELETED FROM SVN]
* vrfydmn: OK
* vulture: OK
* wader: OK
* wapiti: moved to pkg-security-team [DELETED FROM SVN]
* webcheck: OK
* whyteboard: OK
* winpdb: OK
* writetype: OK
* wtop: Orphaned [DELETED FROM SVN]
* xdot: OK
* xtree: RMed [DELETED FROM SVN]
* zine: OK

Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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