The one mistake I seem to often make with gbp pq is import the new
sources and then discover I forgot to one "gbp pq import". The "gbp pq
import" needs to happen first (if not already done), before importing
new sources. Otherwise "gbp pq rebase" and "gbp pq export" can end up
deleting all patches.

The solution I have found is

1. Create a temporary branch at the current commit

    git branch tmp

2. Take the debian/master branch to the previous "good" commit:

   git reset --hard version origin/debian/master

   change the origin/debian/master as appropriate.

3. Import the patch queue (possibly might need to delete any existing
patches branch first):

   gbp pq import

4. Go back to the latest version:

   git reset --hard tmp
   git branch -d tmp

Note that "gbp pq import" must be done in the correct branch, as the
name of the patch branch is based on the current branch.

Also note that the "gbp pq import" must be done on patches unapplied
format, so don't go too far back in the history.
Brian May <>

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