Geoffrey Thomas <> writes:

> We will not indefinitely provide a /usr/bin/python that runs Python 2;
> we probably will do so for at most one more stable release.

I'm fine with removing the ‘python’ command, because that command means
Python 2 and Python 2 is going away.

What I am opposing is the suggestion to install, in the near to medium
term, a command of exactly the same name that has subtly similar but
incompatible behaviour, when that behaviour *already* has a command –
‘python3’ – that is widely used by those who need it.

 \       “From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I |
  `\        was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it.” |
_o__)                                                    —Groucho Marx |
Ben Finney

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