
still working on my silx package...

When it comes to python:Depends, I try to add the right entries in the setup.py

So I added a bunch of modules there.

-        "setuptools"]
+        "setuptools",
+        # Debian added
+        "ipython",
+        "qtconsole",
+        "enum34",
+        "fabio",
+        "h5py",
+        "lxml",
+        "mako",
+        "matplotlib",
+        "OpenGL",
+        "pil",
+        "pyopencl",
+        "PyQt5",
+        "PyQt5.qtopengl",
+        "PyQt5.qtsvg",
+        "scipy"
+    ]

But when compiling I get these informations from dh_python2 and dh_python3

I: dh_python2 pydist:220: Cannot find package that provides opengl. Please add 
package that provides it to Build-Depends or add "opengl python-opengl" line to 
debian/pydist-overrides or add proper  dependency to Depends by hand and ignore 
this info.
I: dh_python2 pydist:220: Cannot find package that provides pyqt5. Please add 
package that provides it to Build-Depends or add "pyqt5 python-pyqt5" line to 
debian/pydist-overrides or add proper  dependency to Depends by hand and ignore 
this info.
I: dh_python2 pydist:220: Cannot find package that provides pyqt5.qtopengl. 
Please add package that provides it to Build-Depends or add "pyqt5.qtopengl 
python-pyqt5.qtopengl" line to debian/pydist-overrides or add proper  
dependency to Depends by hand and ignore this info.
I: dh_python2 pydist:220: Cannot find package that provides pyqt5.qtsvg. Please 
add package that provides it to Build-Depends or add "pyqt5.qtsvg 
python-pyqt5.qtsvg" line to debian/pydist-overrides or add proper  dependency 
to Depends by hand and ignore this info.

So my question is why do I have OpenGL -> opengl in the dh_python2 message. (is 
it why it can not find the right pacakge ?)

for pyqt5 it seems more complicate since the debian packqges split the PyQt5 
What should I put in order to have the right auto-generated Dependecies.

thanks for your help


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