Mathias Behrle wrote...

> Current python(3)-magic in Debian is built from source package 'file'[0].
> OTOH the package providing python-magic on PyPi[3] is provided by another
> Upstream[4].

... and I assume the APIs are not identical?

> The cleanest solution for me would look like
> - package file in Debian should provide python(3)-file-magic
> - python-magic should be the package name corresponding to the PyPi package
>   python-magic[4]

This would result in users of the current python-magic (from file) would
be forced into the other one. Unless we (as in Debian) can guarantee
this will work in each and every use case, I fail to see why this should
be considered a clean solution.

The cleanest solution indeed was to bring both upstreams together and
ask them to reconcile the APIs and eventually make one of the both
implementations obsolete. As things happen such an attempt was started
two years ago but appearently never came to a result.[1]

Trying to address this conflict in Debian is always only second best. If
this is the only feasible way, it still should leave a choice to users
so they can install the implementation of their own preference. Co-
installability of both package was certainly nice-to-have but will
probably impossible for technical reasons.


[1] The file mailing list server is currently down, so I cannot provide
    URLs. The Message-IDs are 

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