On Fri, 19 Jan 2018 at 14:25:57 +0300, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
> I think for new packages it is better to use gbp-pq based workflow:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Python/GitPackagingPQ

Is there consensus that the gbp-pq workflow is now allowed? I only
maintain one package in DPMT (tap.py) and every time I upload it I have
to remind myself how git-dpm works, so I'd like to switch it over to
gbp-pq as soon as I can.

Relatedly, Alioth is going to be shut down at some point, with git
repositories frozen and made read-only, so it would seem a good idea to
start migrating git packaging to salsa.debian.org before that happens.
python-modules-team and python-apps-team groups, perhaps? I can create
a python-modules-team group and migrate tap.py as a sample if people
would like to see an example package.


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