
I've checked this bug and found that

root@sputnik:/build/cram-0.7# python-coverage report --fail-under=95
Name                Stmts   Miss  Cover
cram/__init__.py        3      0   100%
cram/__main__.py        6      6     0%
cram/_cli.py           74      0   100%
cram/_diff.py          89      0   100%
cram/_encoding.py      67     32    52%
cram/_main.py         135      0   100%
cram/_process.py       14      0   100%
cram/_run.py           40      0   100%
cram/_test.py         104      0   100%
cram/_xunit.py         66      0   100%
TOTAL                 598     38    94%
root@sputnik:/build/cram-0.7# echo $?
root@sputnik:/build/cram-0.7# python-coverage report --fail-under=94
Name                Stmts   Miss  Cover
cram/__init__.py        3      0   100%
cram/__main__.py        6      6     0%
cram/_cli.py           74      0   100%
cram/_diff.py          89      0   100%
cram/_encoding.py      67     32    52%
cram/_main.py         135      0   100%
cram/_process.py       14      0   100%
cram/_run.py           40      0   100%
cram/_test.py         104      0   100%
cram/_xunit.py         66      0   100%
TOTAL                 598     38    94%
root@sputnik:/build/cram-0.7# echo $?

so it seems that fail-under is the percentage that is permitted
to fail.  I'm not sure why _encoding.py and __main__.py are
contributing to the failure count (obviously since some point
in time).

Laszlo, before I'll dive deeper into it I'd like to know what you think
about maintaining this package in Debian Python Modules Team.  I'd
volunteer to create a Git repository on Salsa and try to fix this bug
if you agree to it.

Kind regards



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