On Fri, 2018-06-08 at 10:05 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 5:59 AM, Diane Trout wrote:
> > How do I replace the .orig.tar.gz that I already uploaded?
> You will need a new upstream version, typically people use
> 0.1.2+dfsg1
> (for DFSG issues) or 0.1.2+ds1 (for other repack reasons) in these
> sort of situations.

Ah I see, if I adjust the changelog to <upstream>+dfsg1-1, I can upload
a new .orig.tar.gz... 

> > I was planning on replacing the plots with a screen shot until I
> > have a
> > solution to actually build the plots from source.
> Screenshots are derivative works of the UI they are from, so
> theoretically you need to care about the source for screenshots too.
> In practice I guess everyone ignores this.

Wait a second... The pages that I want to replace with a screenshot are
in a BSD-3-clause licensed repository. Aren't I allowed to make
derivative works?

Using a screen shot is just to deal with our build from source rule and
to avoid a privacy leak from loading a remote resource.


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