On 7/9/19 12:05 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
>> On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:45 PM, Thomas Goirand <z...@debian.org> wrote:
>> What I did so far:
>> debtree -R --rdeps-depth=100 python2.7 >py2.7.deps.dot
>> dot -Tsvg -o py2.7.deps.svg py2.7.deps.dot
>> The result is here:
>> http://py2graph.infomaniak.ch/py2.7.deps.svg
> Fascinating…
> Can you give us some hints to interpret the graph?
> In particular, what do the different colors on the arrows mean?

The graph is missing lots of bits. I've pushed the limits of debtree
more, and now it's been running for 15 minutes already. Let's see if it
is still running when I wake up tomorrow! :)


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