On 10/14/19 3:54 PM, Sandro Tosi wrote:
>>> But in both cases, it's going to take a very long time. Do we really
>>> want to get stuck on these packages for like forever, or would it feel
>>> ok to raise the severity to serious, so that the package gets
>>> auto-removed and then we can work on removing Python 2 from its
>>> dependencies?
>> for me it's perfectly fine to rise severity to serious of all leaf packages 
>> with py2remove bug as soon as possible. And let's do it "automatically" 
>> everytime any package gets leaf state.
> i think it's a bit premature to raise severity to RC (we should also
> check with the release team): these bugs have been opened since just 2
> months and a half, and the development cycle for bullseye started not
> longer before. there's still a lot of time.

It's not as if it has been 10 years we know about this transition, right? :)

How many months do you want to add? Do you seriously think it's going to
significantly change something about an eventual situation where
upstream hasn't done the work? If upstream did the work, then what's
blocking us?

If we see a package where upstream has Py3 support, we don't need to
raise the severity, we can just do the work instead.

> (and removing a py2
> package from a leaf pkg takes 5 minutes, usually, so if everyone in
> this thread had done that instead of writing an email, we'd be down 5
> bugs already :D )

I probably have done hundreds of them already. And I do not agree that
it takes just 5 minutes. For a trivial leaf package, probably, but when
you're trying to fix a long chain of dependencies, it can sometimes be a
non-trivial work. Going from the leaf package and rewinding can
sometimes lead to mistakes.

> I think it's also extremely premature (and just a bad idea in general)
> to consider breakage of reverse dependencies but just dropping py2
> packages. the Release Team is extremely unhappy with this approach for
> dealing with the py2removal bugs, so let's not even consider that
> option.

Yes. Which is why we should raise severity of bugs to RC, and probably
even remove packages if we need to. Otherwise, this process will take
forever (ie: longer than a Debian release cycle).

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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