I started looking into updating pip to the current release because I knew it 
would take awhile and we need to do it at some point.  Merging our changes 
into the new upstream release turned out to be somewhat less challenging that 
I had feared (alternately it wasn't and I messed it up).  I've pushed the 
results of that effort to salsa.

The next step is to deal with all the packages that pip vendors and we 
unvendor.  There are quite a few packages that need updating to a sufficient 
version for the new pip:

Needs packaging:

Needs upgrade:
ipaddress (python2 only)

I'm not going to be able to deal with all that by myself, so this is a request 
for team members to step up and look at updating these packages.  I have not 
checked which of these are DPMT maintained, so in some cases the action may be 
to work with the maintainer to update their package.

I would suggest that people who decide to work on one of the above reply to 
this message so we don't end up with people doing duplicate works.


Scott K

Here's the full list:

appdirs==1.4.3 have 1.4.3
CacheControl==0.12.6 have 11.7.2
colorama==0.4.3 have 0.4.3
contextlib2==0.6.0 have 0.5.5
distlib==0.3.0 have 0.3.0
distro==1.4.0 have 1.3.0
html5lib==1.0.1 have 1.0.1
ipaddress==1.0.23 have 1.0.17  # Only needed on 2.6 and 2.7
msgpack==0.6.2 have 0.5.6
packaging==20.1 have 19.1.2
pep517==0.7.0 Missing (not packaged)
progress==1.5 have 1.2
pyparsing==2.4.6 have 2.4.2
pytoml==0.1.21 have 0.1.2
requests==2.22.0 have 2.22.0
certifi==2019.11.28 have 2019.11.28
chardet==3.0.4 have 3.0.4
idna==2.8 have 2.6
urllib3==1.25.7 have 1.25.6
retrying==1.3.3 have 1.3.3
setuptools==44.0.0 have 44.0.0
six==1.14.0 have 1.14.0
webencodings==0.5.1 have 0.5.1

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