On Wed, 05 Feb 2020 at 08:18:41 +0100, rene.engelh...@mailbox.org wrote:
> Thanks, yes, that prevents the install of the "old"
> gobject-introspection with the new python3 from experimental.

Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight (I blame post-FOSDEM illness). That
isn't actually what you need if you want to port to python3.8 - it won't
support python3.8 until the binNMUs for this transition happen. If you
need a python3.8 version of gobject-introspection before then, you could
maybe NMU it into experimental?

I *think* Build-Depends: python3-dev (>= 3.8) should do what you'd need,
but don't necessarily trust my technical judgement right now!


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