Interesting discussion folks, thanks. We're a little concerned that some of the messages may be perceived as not very respectful. You know, and probably are yourself affected, how it is hard to find new contributions in Debian and how it is important to have welcoming messages for new contributors, who start discovering a team through archives of the mailing list.

Please try to moderate your tone and not be too argumentative - maybe ask people to explain their ideas more if they don't seem to fit with your own? The question form is a good way to express some misunderstanding or enable someone to explicit one's point of view.

An interesting practice might be not to reply to mails imediately after reading if angry. Sending a less emotional mail can be more suitable to maintain a high quality of the technical debate.

Best regards

For the community team

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization

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