Hi PerRy (2021.01.21_07:39:50_+0000)
> I wanted to request to join the debian python team. In a previous email, I
> shared that I have been using debian for a while now and at this point in
> time I want to contribute back to the project. One of my skills is writing
> scripts in python, and I want to utilize and build upon this skill in
> contributing back to debian.

Aside from a password reset, I'd recommend getting started by
contributing patches through the bug tracking system, or adopting some
orphaned packages, and getting some experience maintaining them. Ideally
finding some mentors to help you out, along the way.

We don't generally give people who are brand new to contributing to the
project commit access to hundreds of packages.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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