On 2021-09-13 16:00 +0000, Francis Murtagh wrote:
>    Hi, 
>    I've added a python package called python3-pyarmnn to Debian
>    (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/armnn) but also have it pushed to a Ubuntu
>    Launchpad PPA
>    (https://launchpad.net/~armnn/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages).
>    When I push new versions of the packaging it seems to overwrite the
>    previous, I'm assuming this is by design as the archive should only have
>    one version of the software at a time.


>    However, this python3-pyarmnn package is just a wrapper for a C++ library
>    libarmnn26, 26 being its major version.
>    So from the PPA the user can apt install libarmnn26 or libarmnn25 etc, but
>    if they install python3-pyarmnn it's always the latest and so that drags
>    in the latest libarmnn i.e 26.

Right.  Normally in debian (and Ubuntu) we allow multiple versions of
libraries so that things linked against the older library still work
until everything is ugraded, and nothing is using the old library
(then it can be removed, and often is automatically). But only one
version of higher-level apps which use those libraries, normally
linked against the latest library version available.

What do users gain from being able to install a python3-pyarmnn linked
against an older version of the library? You could do it by having
python3-pyarmnn25 and python3-pyarmnn26 etc, but normally there is not
enough benefit from this for it to be worth the effort.

Do you just want to be able to do it for test purposes? If so you could just
make multiple PPAs, and install python3-pyarmnn from the appropriate one?

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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