Hi c.buhtz (2022.08.26_11:10:03_+0000)
> today I found out that it is possible to create a Python "Distribution
> Package" [1] (e.g. a whl-file) that contain more then one "Importable
> Packages" [2].
> Are you aware of any packages in Debian that are related to upstream
> projects using that "technic"?

This has always been somewhat frowned upon, but it's not that uncommon.
Offhand, I can think of python3-configobj, which upstream is in the
process of tidying up.

> And if so how do you (as debian distro maintainers) handle that? Do you
> create one deb-file for "mydistropackage" (e.g.
> "python3-mydistropackage.deb") or do you separate into "python3-mya.deb" and
> "python3-myb.deb"?

Sometimes we do the one, sometimes the other. It depends.

A famous example is pkg_resources, which is shipped in setuptools,
upstream. We packaged it as a separate module, because it's a runtime
dependency of many packages, but they don't need the whole of setuptools
at runtime.

When we split packages like this, it breaks our automatic dependency
generation tools.  They understand upstream's dependency declarations,
so we have to manually add dependencies to packages that depend on split


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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