
I am still trying to package[2] dxtbx[1], and now I end up with something 
strange. When I run the test suite during the build I have a failure like this

tests/test_dataset_as_flex.py ..F..F..F                                  [  2%]

I put the error message bellow, it is quite long

now If I execute by hand only the failing test like this, it works

$ pytest-3  tests/test_dataset_as_flex.py 
 test session starts 
platform linux -- Python 3.10.6, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0+repack
rootdir: /home/picca/debian/science-team/dxtbx, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: requests-mock-1.9.3, forked-1.4.0, xdist-2.5.0, mock-3.8.2, 
collected 9 items                                                               

tests/test_dataset_as_flex.py .........                                         

 9 passed in 0.61s 

before investigating further, I would like your advice in order to debug this 
sort of issue.

first what is the difference between

pytest and pytest <file>

thanks for your help


[1] https://github.com/cctbx/dxtbx
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/dxtbx

full error message

___________ test_dataset_as_flex[int-dataset_as_flex_int-bshuf_lz4] ____________

type_name = 'int', creator = <function bshuf_lz4 at 0x7fccddd35120>
converter = <Boost.Python.function object at 0x556b03602bb0>

            ("int", dataset_as_flex_int),
            ("float", dataset_as_flex_float),
            ("double", dataset_as_flex_double),
    def test_dataset_as_flex(type_name, creator, converter):
        # Create an in-memory HDF5 dataset with unique name
        f = h5py.File(type_name + ".h5", "w", driver="core", 
        shape = (20, 20, 20)
>       dataset = creator(f, shape, type_name)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/test_dataset_as_flex.py:34: in bshuf_lz4
    return file.create_dataset(
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h5py/_debian_h5py_serial/_hl/group.py:161: in 
    dsid = dataset.make_new_dset(group, shape, dtype, data, name, **kwds)
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h5py/_debian_h5py_serial/_hl/dataset.py:106: in 
    dcpl = filters.fill_dcpl(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plist = <h5py._debian_h5py_serial.h5p.PropDCID object at 0x7fccdbbd9760>
shape = (20, 20, 20), dtype = dtype('int64'), chunks = (10, 10, 10)
compression = 32008, compression_opts = (0, 2), shuffle = None
fletcher32 = None, maxshape = None, scaleoffset = None, external = []
allow_unknown_filter = False

    def fill_dcpl(plist, shape, dtype, chunks, compression, compression_opts,
                  shuffle, fletcher32, maxshape, scaleoffset, external,
        """ Generate a dataset creation property list.
        Undocumented and subject to change without warning.
        if shape is None or shape == ():
            shapetype = 'Empty' if shape is None else 'Scalar'
            if any((chunks, compression, compression_opts, shuffle, fletcher32,
                    scaleoffset is not None)):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"{shapetype} datasets don't support chunk/filter options"
            if maxshape and maxshape != ():
                raise TypeError(f"{shapetype} datasets cannot be extended")
            return h5p.create(h5p.DATASET_CREATE)
        def rq_tuple(tpl, name):
            """ Check if chunks/maxshape match dataset rank """
            if tpl in (None, True):
                tpl = tuple(tpl)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('"%s" argument must be None or a sequence 
object' % name)
            if len(tpl) != len(shape):
                raise ValueError('"%s" must have same rank as dataset shape' % 
        rq_tuple(chunks, 'chunks')
        rq_tuple(maxshape, 'maxshape')
        if compression is not None:
            if isinstance(compression, FilterRefBase):
                compression_opts = compression.filter_options
                compression = compression.filter_id
            if compression not in encode and not isinstance(compression, int):
                raise ValueError('Compression filter "%s" is unavailable' % 
            if compression == 'gzip':
                if compression_opts is None:
                    gzip_level = DEFAULT_GZIP
                elif compression_opts in range(10):
                    gzip_level = compression_opts
                    raise ValueError("GZIP setting must be an integer from 0-9, 
not %r" % compression_opts)
            elif compression == 'lzf':
                if compression_opts is not None:
                    raise ValueError("LZF compression filter accepts no 
            elif compression == 'szip':
                if compression_opts is None:
                    compression_opts = DEFAULT_SZIP
                err = "SZIP options must be a 2-tuple ('ec'|'nn', even integer 
                    szmethod, szpix = compression_opts
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError(err)
                if szmethod not in ('ec', 'nn'):
                    raise ValueError(err)
                if not (0<szpix<=32 and szpix%2 == 0):
                    raise ValueError(err)
        elif compression_opts is not None:
            # Can't specify just compression_opts by itself.
            raise TypeError("Compression method must be specified")
        if scaleoffset is not None:
            # scaleoffset must be an integer when it is not None or False,
            # except for integral data, for which scaleoffset == True is
            # permissible (will use SO_INT_MINBITS_DEFAULT)
            if scaleoffset < 0:
                raise ValueError('scale factor must be >= 0')
            if dtype.kind == 'f':
                if scaleoffset is True:
                    raise ValueError('integer scaleoffset must be provided for '
                                     'floating point types')
            elif dtype.kind in ('u', 'i'):
                if scaleoffset is True:
                    scaleoffset = h5z.SO_INT_MINBITS_DEFAULT
                raise TypeError('scale/offset filter only supported for integer 
                                'and floating-point types')
            # Scale/offset following fletcher32 in the filter chain will 
            # always triggers a read error, as most scale/offset settings are
            # lossy. Since fletcher32 must come first (see comment below) we
            # simply prohibit the combination of fletcher32 and scale/offset.
            if fletcher32:
                raise ValueError('fletcher32 cannot be used with potentially 
                                 ' scale/offset filter')
        external = _normalize_external(external)
        # End argument validation
        if (chunks is True) or \
        (chunks is None and any((shuffle, fletcher32, compression, maxshape,
                                 scaleoffset is not None))):
            chunks = guess_chunk(shape, maxshape, dtype.itemsize)
        if maxshape is True:
            maxshape = (None,)*len(shape)
        if chunks is not None:
            plist.set_fill_time(h5d.FILL_TIME_ALLOC)  # prevent resize glitch
        # scale-offset must come before shuffle and compression
        if scaleoffset is not None:
            if dtype.kind in ('u', 'i'):
                plist.set_scaleoffset(h5z.SO_INT, scaleoffset)
            else: # dtype.kind == 'f'
                plist.set_scaleoffset(h5z.SO_FLOAT_DSCALE, scaleoffset)
        for item in external:
        if shuffle:
        if compression == 'gzip':
        elif compression == 'lzf':
            plist.set_filter(h5z.FILTER_LZF, h5z.FLAG_OPTIONAL)
        elif compression == 'szip':
            opts = {'ec': h5z.SZIP_EC_OPTION_MASK, 'nn': 
            plist.set_szip(opts[szmethod], szpix)
        elif isinstance(compression, int):
            if not allow_unknown_filter and not h5z.filter_avail(compression):
>               raise ValueError("Unknown compression filter number: %s" % 
> compression)
E               ValueError: Unknown compression filter number: 32008


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