Hello Matthias,

Am 21.11.22 um 16:39 schrieb matthias.geiger1...@tutanota.de:
Dear Maintainers,

I'd like to join the team and get access to maintain python3-fints.
fints is a new package I filed an ITP for (#1024494). In my opinion it would be best if it would be maintained under the python packaging team. I'd only need access for this library.

I acknowledge that I read the packaging policy. My salsa username is werdahias.
I'm not a DD yet, so I'd need sponsorship for this package.

I'd suggest to first work on your ITP and get more familiar with packaging of Debian packages in general. There is no need to first have a working access to the DPT group on Salsa. You will have to learn a lot things and to me it seems easier to work first within your own namespace on Salsa were you can act as you like. It's no problem to move packaging trees all over within the GitLab instance on Salsa later.

I did a quick look into the git tree you referenced within your ITP.

The branches for the upstream source and also pristine-tar are missing. It's of course somehow possible to get your current work build into a deb package, but the typical workflow is a bit different. :-)

You might want have a look at existing packages on Salsa within the DPT to get some inspiration how your tree layout should look like.

The DPT uses git-buildpackage for preparing packages, this tool can help a lot with the typical steps that are needed to produce the required files for a new package upload. But also in your case if you need to start a new package from scratch.


I suggest to have again a look into the DPT policy and also into existing packages and their git history to see and learn how things work together. This mailing list is probably not the best place to get help on basic packaging question, there a better channels available (IRC, mailing list debian-mentors), but it *is* the place to ask specific questions about Python in Debian or Python packaging in detail.

Feel free to contact me directly for specific questions.


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