Hi Andreas,

Andreas Tille, on 2023-01-29:
> Any idea what might be wrong here?

The nibabel 5.0.0-1 migration log[2] and architecture memo[3]
show that I have been too strict for my test skipping heuristic:

        ___________________________ test_a2f_nan2zero_range 
            @pytest.mark.skipif(os.uname().machine == 'armv7l',
                                reason="fails on armel only, see #1029593.")
            def test_a2f_nan2zero_range():

The uname machine name may not have been armv7l on the test bed,
leading to the present crash.  This should read like the below
and I consider pushing a "fix" in that direction tomorrow:

        @pytest.mark.skipif(os.uname().machine[0:3] == 'arm',
                            reason="fails on armel only, see #1029593.")

Of course it would be even better to fix the root cause on

Besides, I notice there is a regression in dipy[4], which may be
caused by the nibabel version bump.  Since we are in transission
freeze, I suspect the package needs to be reverted to version 4.
That being said the error message in amd64 doesn't make it very
obvious the problem comes from nibabel, so I'm having a closer
look before stating anything definitive.

[3]: https://wiki.debian.org/ArchitectureSpecificsMemo
[4]: https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/d/dipy/30816896/log.gz

Thanks Graham for having kept an eye on this,
Sorry for my mess,
Étienne Mollier <emoll...@emlwks999.eu>
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