On Tue, 2023-01-17 at 23:26 +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:
[ cut ]
> You'll need to add a py3dist-overrides file in /debian.  The details are in 
> the dh-python or pybuild documentation.  I don't recall where.

Thanks for tip. Summary, for others with similar problems:
Solution is described in dh-python documentation
(man dh_python3, section dependencies).

Mapping of name psyscopg to python3-psycopg3 is in file
/usr/share/dh-python/dist/cpython3_fallback, provided
by dh-python. It's quite long file, containing many
of such translations.

I created debian/python3-psycopg.pydist which got installed
to /usr/share/python3/dist/python3-psycopg, and provided proper
mapping. I guess when mapping in dh-python is fixed, I'll be
able to drop *.pydist files.

Best regards, and thanks for help!

Tomasz Rybak, Debian Developer <serp...@debian.org>
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