Hi Matthias (2023.12.03_14:03:44_+0000)
> We probably will see some Python related build failures while binNMUing
> around 600 packages to add 3.12 as a supported version.  If you see builds
> failing because of a missing 3.12 extension, please just wait a few days
> until all the binNMUs are done.
> For the progress, see (ignoring the 'unknown' status)
> https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/python3.12-add.html

This is a great time for new Python Team contributors to get involved in
helping to support Python 3.12. This is a time when upstream Python
knowledge can be more helpful than Debian packaging experience.

Look go down the list of packages and investigate the ones with a red
line.  Either they have failed to build (top of the list) or they
haven't been built against 3.12 yet (bottom of the list).

As we investigate these, we'll file FTBFS bugs against them (which
usually show up on buildd.debian.org, below the builds).

Usually the process is:
1. Read the bug to see the investigation so far.
2. Check the upstream bugtracker for related bugs.
3. See if there is a new upstream release or commit that promises to
   support Python 3.12 (or whatever the issue is).
4. Report back on the bug
5. Prepare an upload.

We're mostly coordinating in #debian-python on IRC.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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