Control: found -1 3.04-4
Control: clone -1 -2 -3
Control: tags -1 patch
Control: retitle -2 xpdf: add support for some old config file commands
Control: severity -2 wishlist
Control: retitle -3 xpdf: the xpdfrc(5) man page lists old config file commands
Control: severity -3 normal

On 2017-08-19 13:56:48 +0200, Paul Slootman wrote:
> > The suggested Workaround of adding "include /etc/xpdf/includes"
> > is not helpful as this line is already at the end of the
> > /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc file in the stock Debian Stretch release :(
> Actually, at this time the fix is to actually REMOVE that line.

Yes, I haven't seen any suggestion to add that line.
suggests to comment this line out.

> That works for English-speaking (and other european) locales, but might
> suck for those using japanse, thai, etc.

I doubt that this would change anything for them since the commands
are no longer recognized. So, I would say that removing this line
(or commenting it out) would be the right fix (or workaround) for
now to avoid the annoying error messages. Users can still add their
own config either on the system side by modifying /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc
or on the user side by adding a ~/.xpdfrc file (in which case
/etc/xpdf/xpdfrc is ignored entirely), and may propose new config
solutions in new bug reports.

I've cloned this bug to 2 new bugs:

* The config file commands are no longer recognized since the
poppler-xpdfparams.patch patch from 3.04-2: one can see some command
handling code commented out, and this ends with an error:

     } else {
       error(errConfig, -1, "Unknown config file command '{0:t}' ({1:t}:{2:d})",
            cmd, fileName, line);


+      } else if (!cmd->cmp("psAlwaysRasterize") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("enableT1lib") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("drawAnnotations") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("nameToUnicode") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("cidToUnicode") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("unicodeToUnicode") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("unicodeMap") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("cMapDir") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("toUnicodeDir") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("fontDir") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("fontFileCC") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("psResidentFont") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("psResidentFont16") ||
+                 !cmd->cmp("psResidentFontCC")) {
+        error(errConfig, -1,
+              "Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the 
Poppler version of xpdf");

which are the error messages one gets. So, the removal has been done
on purpose and is apparently due to the new poppler versions.

* The xpdfrc(5) man page still lists these old config file commands.

Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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