Control: tags -1 + wontfix

On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 08:07:05PM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libploop.a contains dumpe2fs, e2fsck, e4defrag, 
> filefrag, fsck.ext4, resize2fs and tune2fs. According to file it is a current 
> ar archive

I've investigated libploop which indeed has code to run commands from
e2fsprogs. For the case of dynamic linking dependencies should be
added, see #887298. This particular bug report is about the *static*
library shipped in the -dev package though, and I don't think any
changes should be done here for the following reason:

* e2fsprogs is not needed at *build*-time (only runtime).
* e2fsprogs will be needed by the application that (statically)
  links to libploop.a (at runtime), and there's no way for the
  libploop-dev to 'transfer' the correct dependencies.
* There's no reason to expect the libploop-dev package be
  installed on users systems running the applications that
  have statically linked to libploop.a

(Please also note that Debian normally avoids using static linking so
this would mainly affect third party applications not shipped in

I'm thus tagging this bug report wontfix.

(And alternative approach might be to stop shipping libploop.a at all.)

Andreas Henriksson

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