Hi Helge!

* Helge Kreutzmann <deb...@helgefjell.de>, 2019-03-23, 20:48:
+    /* Create a secure private temporary directory */
+    fifosdir = mkdtemp(FIFODIR "tvtimeXXXXXX");

The mkdtemp(2) man page says: "Since it will be modified, template must not be a string constant, but should be declared as a character array." This is the reason it segfaults.

Also, slash is missing between FIFODIR and "tvtime".

You would need something like this:

  char *fifosdir;
  char fifosdir_buf[] = FIFODIR "/tvtimeXXXXXX";
  fifosdir = mkdtemp(fifosdir_buf);

So (with the addition of error handling) this would fix insecure use of /tmp; but it also breaks communication between tvtime-command(1) and tvtime(1). They need to use the same fifo to communicate, but mkdtemp() ensures that this is never the case:

  $ tvtime-command QUIT
  Reading configuration from /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml
  Reading configuration from /home/jwilk/.tvtime/tvtime.xml
  tvtime-command: Cannot open /tmp/tvtimeHH48wA/.TV-jwilk/tvtimefifo-borsuk: No 
such file or directory

It would be best to avoid using /tmp for fifos. tvtime already falls back to $HOME when /tmp couldn't be used (grep for "put the fifo in $HOME" in src/utils.c), to this should be a matter of disabling the /tmp codepath.

Jakub Wilk

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