
Thanks for the hints. I will explore them.

(and sorry about the email title.)


On 02/02/2024 14:42, Simon McVittie wrote:
I've changed the subject line back to the one from the bug - I get a
*lot* of bugmail, which I usually see out-of-context, so "Investigating"
doesn't really work as a reminder of what bug and what package you're
talking about. I hope that's compatible with your workflow.

On Fri, 02 Feb 2024 at 12:11:13 +0000, Nicholas Bamber wrote:
So far in order to investigate I have:

1. installed discord on a lwm desktop via flatpak. This works but is pretty
ugly and the whole filesystem is exposed.
Large proprietary apps containing an entire web browser engine tend not to
be feasible to sandbox meaningfully, unfortunately, especially if their
packagers want them to have full functionality for users who are unaware of
the existence of sandboxing and want everything to "just work".

My usual go-to test apps are GNOME Recipes, ASHPD demo, or the portal tests
built by src:libportal (install libportal-tests-gtk3 and
libportal-tests-gtk4 and run with "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 GDK_DEBUG=portals" in
the environment, or you can build them into Flatpak apps from the source
package). Those are a lot more meaningfully sandboxed.

2. Looking into ways to get the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP into the systemd user
In the original bug report, part of the solution I suggested was this:

     Add a sequence of semicolon-separated desktop environment names to
     /usr/share/xsessions/lwm.desktop, most likely just "Lwm":


     (For example, icewm and windowmaker use "ICEWM" and "WindowMaker" in
     their equivalent xsessions file.)

Most display managers take this into account and will convert it into
setting the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP setting (for example, I know that gdm3,
lightdm and sddm do this).

This won't work for xdm, but at some point I think we have to start
treating that sort of thing as an xdm limitation, rather than something
that individual desktop environments are expected to address?

Putting a script into the 55 priority in /etc/X11/Xsession.d. This works
(and does not pollute other desktop environments since we can check at that
point). However it depends on the the package dbus-x11 and I have concerns
about the long term support for this package.
Doesn't the combination of these two files

dbus-user-session: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/20dbus_xdg-runtime
dbus-x11: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/95dbus_update-activation-env

already do what's needed here? Those two packages represent the only two
implementations of the dbus-session-bus virtual package that currently
exist in Debian.

xdg-desktop-portal already depends on
default-dbus-session-bus | dbus-session-bus, so whenever xdg-desktop-portal
is installed, so is at least one of those two packages; and they both pull
in dbus-bin, which provides /usr/bin/dbus-update-activation-environment.

If someone adds a third implementation of dbus-session-bus, I think it
would be entirely reasonable for us to expect it to have similar handling
of at least the most basic variables like DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS,

The other possible way to do this, which *would* work even for xdm, is to
do like gnome-session does, and upload at least those few basic environment
variables to the D-Bus activation environment during GUI session startup,
either from the main executable (using libdbus or a similar library) or
from a shell script wrapper (using dbus-update-activation-environment or
equivalent). This wouldn't necessarily have to imply a hard dependency
on d-u-a-e, it could be done conditionally. I realise that this is
unappealing for a specifically lightweight desktop environment, so I'd
be fine with the answer to this particular part being "wontfix, use a
better display manager if you want this functionality".


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