(with neither PTS or DDPO hat on, just a porter passing by.)

On 04/02/2008, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Hello,


> On the PTS page for this package [1] there is a link called '(more)'
> to the right of 'Buildd logs'. The link points to the following
> site, which tells me that it "can't find package rott_ in the
> database.": http://experimental.debian.net/build.php?pkg=rott

because your package wasn't ever uploaded to experimental, or to
backports, hence no log in the experimental.ftbfs.de database.

Note that kfreebsd-* and hurd-i386 used to be referenced there as
well, and armel recently, and that they moved to debian-ports some
weeks (months already?) ago.

I guess that tracking the “this package is in that wanna-build
database would be a bit tedious”, and that it doesn't harm very much
to keep all links available. Maybe a “subtitle” might be added to
distinguish “unstable”, “experimental+bpo”, and “ports”, so that it
gets a bit more clear?

> however, on my maintainer QA page [2] there is a similar link called
> 'Buildd' in the Buildd part of the table for the rott package. This
> link points to the following site, which indeed lists all available
> buildd logs for the rott package:
> http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?pkg=rott

But only official ones, for unstable.

> Additionally, on the QA page there is another link called 'More'
> just beneath the 'Buildd' link. This does however not point to the
> same site as the 'more' link from the PTS page.

I guess that part can be adjusted, as said above.

> Instead it points to the following site, which contains some useful
> information about the package status on the different architectures:
> http://people.debian.org/~igloo/status.php?packages=rott

> This page is very interesting and I suggest adding it to the PTS
> page. But then, please do not call it 'more' again... ;)

Indeed, it's a quite good overview of build states.


Cyril Brulebois

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